Rimescolare le carte. Il tema del governo misto in Tommaso d’Aquino e nella riflessione politica tardomedievale


  • Stefano Simonetta University of Milan




Political Philosophy, Mixed Government, Thomas Aquinas


William of Moerbeke’s rendering of Aristotle’s Politics (about 1260) put a new problem to his late thirteenth- and early fourteenth-century readers, forcing those magistri to question themselves about the advantages of the adoption of a mixed type of government which combines some elements of the rule of the many with others of aristocracy and monarchy. Thomas Aquinas, first of all, and then both Peter of Auvergne and Ptolemy of Lucca do all agree in accepting a mixed constitution as the best political arrangement, but between them we could find some considerable differences.



How to Cite

Simonetta, S. (2009). Rimescolare le carte. Il tema del governo misto in Tommaso d’Aquino e nella riflessione politica tardomedievale. Montesquieu.It, 1(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.2421-4124/5121